Thursday, June 28, 2018

Worship of Divine Kings

A Message from Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche

The worship of divine kings is atavistic, a childish but natural instinct of unlettered, naive human beings. Idols have feet of clay. Humans are only somewhat more resilient than clay, which is (perhaps) why they fascinate us so. Like walking clay idols, Buddhist teachers fascinate us with their mastery of form. How amazing, the way Buddhist meditators, teachers and yogis can use form as a medium of communication.

But, as the so-called Fire Sermon reminds us,

Bhikkhus, form is burning, feeling is burning, perception is burning, volitional formations are burning, consciousness is burning. Seeing thus, bhikkhus, the instructed noble disciple experiences revulsion towards form ... feeling ... perception ... volitional formations ... consciousness .... Through dispassion [this mind] is liberated...[source]

So let us not attach too much to form. Form is thrones. Form is Rinpoches.  Form is in flagrante delicto. Form will hook you and sink you. Non-attachment to form is the basic mode of perfect wisdom. Attachment to form is the first step into the bottomless pit of Samsara.

Perhaps it is time to go beyond a formal "Buddhism". Buddha himself was never a "Buddhist". I'm not sure he ever called himself a "bhikkhu". That was the name of someone who took vows in Buddha's presence. 

Perhaps some of the disgraced Buddhist teachers in our midst could be called "Vidyadharas". I don't know if they are Awareness-Holders (Vidyadharas) or not. One thing is for sure. To have a drinking problem and to be a meditator do not go well together. I know this from personal experience. On can be a practitioner and have a drinking problem. But one can not live long without regrets, if one has a problem with drinking or other addictions. Similarly if one has a problem with entitlement, that is, a sense of entitlement -- be that entitlement to power over others (P.O.O.), sex, fame, or privilege of any kind.

So let us hold awareness in the genuine sense, and not expect others to hold our wee-wees in any way. That is, unless we pay the person properly for the privilege.  I pity the poor fools who think they can enjoy sex, power and fame ad libitum, without paying for the privilege somehow.

If those are the best things in life, the best things in life are not free.

What is best in life, from a Buddha's perspective (and note I don't dare say "Buddhist"), is not a thing, nor a non-thing. And that which is best for Buddha is freed (vimukta = rnam par bsgral ba), and also freeing (vimocana = rnam par sgrol bar byed pa), and also freedom itself (vimukti = rnam par grol ba).

Expecting to find the best in life anywhere, inside, outside or in any experience, however pleasant, is bound to end in disappointment. It is bound to be somewhere in the realm of form, feeling, conception, ideation or consciousness. Calling any of those "enlightenment" or "freedom" is, by any measure of Buddha's teaching, a category mistake.

Buddha figured this out sometime in his late twenties or early thirties.  Most so-called "Rinpoches" these days seem to have missed the point entirely. They spend too much time playing dress-up, playing "Doctor", or aping the lifestyle of princes, rock stars, politicians and poets. Lord Buddha did not waste time on costumes, pageantry, power-games and word-games. He did not use those devices to get laid. He didn't need to -- he left his harem, his palace, his cultural trappings and literary credentials, far behind when he rode out into the jungle in search of awakening. The only reason we believe anyone in a costume, with literary credentials, or with a sexy persona is enlightened, is because we ourselves are fascinated by such phenomena.

Who is fooling whom?

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Advice Regarding Solitude, Part I

Written by Sa 'tsho byin (*Bhūmirakṣitadatta)
Translated by Dipaṁkara and Gewai Lodrö

For those who wish for the joys of asceticism,
Who see the reckless behavior of worldlings
Here I recount what a monk has said well
About what it means to remain in true solitude.

In order to be free of distress, the One Thus Gone
Received the blessed empowerment of pacfication most praised --
The ascetical lifestyle -- and being familiar with household life,
Sunk in its distressing utmost attachment, so difficult to escape,

The peerless Exalted One remained at the foot of a tree,
Observing the birth and decease of living beings,
And with the bliss of inner peace fully ripened, at a suitable time
He achieved exaltation evermore so than other men.

The shackles of mind being removed by dint
Of antidotes, in the jungle of birthlessness
One is content with a yogi's nectar of pacification;
Happy, the reversal of stupor is purified.

At night, receiving the offerings of moonlight
And the vivid twinking of star-flowers,
The mind that relies upon solitude is certain of peace;
Such great joys will take birth in oneself.

Wherever a monk finds solitude, for that reason
He becomes peaceful and free of downfall.
When one depends on things there is attachment
And mind is tormented by many deprivations.

Just as plaintain and bamboo sprouts
Bear fruit and then display self-destruction
Just so the ascetic who becomes free of home life
Overcomes himself and is seen to be attached [to that lifestyle].

Wild animals clothed by the dust of the earth
Are sustained only by grass and leaves;
A mind most intent upon solitude wants only that,
But not the vast conspicuous wealth of the four continents.

Sitting under trees and facing waterfalls, by such asceticism
One is free of holding onto everything else.
The joy that occurs in just in connection with own's mind
Is not even possessed by kings.

Monday, June 18, 2018

Brother's Keeper

Somewhere deep in the dark
Behind a vague barrier and stench
Lies a whole being thrown back on himself
Rusted shut a disused wrench
Marked by piles of unwashed clothing,
Untended dreams and
Ad hoc pater nosters and means,
In a fog of soupy hope and fear
Athletic socks, discarded bills
And extra cruft, there someone seems
To exist to himself, as if without recourse,
Humming a story of hurt, of lies, of too much
Remembered wretchedness,
Lying on a bed of gems
Within an adamantine fence
Buried somewhere he espies
Attached to twisted effigies
Holy saints' common sense
Held by tender reins and well-fed
By excess prudence, sanctioned theories
And nature's damp abundance
Too far withdrawn for rescue with intent
With too much wisdom turned in like a sword
On fleeting thoughts of selflessness
Wearing unsuited methods, festering in a breeze
Waiting on earth to move,
Or for ocean waves to spit him forth
Like bleached flotsam or plastic
Stripes on a barbed-wire fence,
He bets on chance and watches
Successful gamesters play
Doubting that his darkness and dawns
Should herald different days,
Still breathing, just in case
To die is not better than
Callous raging resentment.

Funny Ultimate Space

The funny thing about ultimate space
Of all events and meanings
Is just a constant round of samsara
Where nothing really is real
Anything can happen
And usually will

The essence of bliss is emptiness
Emptiness nature is clarity
Clarity's flipside of emptiness is form
The single coin of them both is dharmadhatu

The inflation of currency is path
Losing it totally is a  lesson
Going  on welfare is Triple Gem refuge
Bootstrapping one's life is bodhichitta
Going back to school is wisdom
Getting a degree for one's effort is prediction,
And a reminder,
There is no rest for the wicked
Nor for that matter the totally good

As far as it goes the path
Has fewer rest stops
Even as view becomes vaster,
Breathtaking -- beyond belief --
There is no token to give or get
Only the tattered hem of Buddha's robe
Dragging dust on the road
So I, a beggar
Am blessed
With a portion of His alms.

Monday, June 11, 2018

Rigdzin Namkha'i Neljor


"On the awareness-holding yogi of space
Good awareness-weather rains from above.
In the stride of awareness there is no avoiding or getting.
Though Buddhas and beings are not imagined,
On the liberated ground of difference, they are one.
Obtuse appearances of misunderstanding
Are pervaded by the glow of unfeigned love and compassion.
Though careless faults of laziness are rife
Without clinging, one's own welfare arises naturally.
Distracted busy thinking mind can become
The conditions arranging for the welfare of others.
All uncertain acts of speech and body
Collect kindling for the signal-fire of Prajna.
The indications of old age and death seem unpleasant,
But they herald the peacock's eye-feather display.
All pointless statements such as these
Don't contradict provisional or definite meaning, do they?"

Thinking thus, one is forced to grin with delight,
And embrace the bride of doubtless intent.
Though not knowing how to combine method and wisdom,
Self-arising prajna does not come from anywhere else.
The unique distillation of Three Roots' Dakinis'
Blessing is introduced here -- EMAHO!
Please don't mind this gossipy talk.
Please be a refuge now and again, I pray!

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Preferred Relationship Tuples through the Decades

Preferred Relationship Tuple
nulltuple (=Victorian Era, absolute desireless purity)
single or couple
triple (=oneself + main squeeze + minor squeeze)
quadruple++ (=couples at key parties, cf. The Ice Storm, group sex cf. Caligula)
couple (age of AIDS, therefore “monogamous”)
single (=maritally separated or divorced, in search of e.g. SWF, etc.)
zerogle (=#Metoo, avoiding legal hassles, ogling optionally)