Language is like food. The more we affine to it we refine our affinities. When it comes to opening one's mouth, not only are you what you eat, but we eat what we are -- five skandhas, eight consciousnesses, twelve ayatanas, eighteen or more "dhatus". For Kuntuzangpo everything is food of awareness, but we hungry sentient beings forget that reality is already perfectly consumed and subsumed in itself, hence "full". In other words, the universe, God or Buddha is not a ravenous info junkie trolling cyberspace and the world, driven by craving for ideas and words about food (and other things) as much as by food itself.
Mind you, I'm still talking about discourse. Lock a bunch of discourses inside an ivory tower for a few decades and what comes out, when you turn the key again? One big, fat, hungry cannibal that threatens to eat you and your children -- metaphorically speaking.

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