Sunday, August 5, 2018

Advice to Konchok Tashi
By Dudjom Lingpa (1835-1904)

Universal form of Buddhas past, present and future--
May the perfect Buddha Lake-Born protect us!

By the power of faith and intense devotion
From the glorious teacher's wisdom-mind transference
You discover the supreme path of profound view and meditation.
From now on until fixation on samsara is destroyed,
Pierce the crucial points of practice with intense discipline!

The essence of all Buddhas is bodhichitta.
The essence of all beings is bodhichitta.
The essence of all appearance is bodhichitta.
The pure equality of three realms of existence is bodhichitta.
Not an atom is beyond bodhichitta.

In the nature of bodhichitta that
Dwells as the fundamental ground,
Birth, cessation, permanence, annihilation
Coming and going, oneness and manyness
Are the vastness of self-manifest, all-pervasive bodhichitta,
Great and perfect in the natural state of the ground.

Awareness manifest as path is Bodhichitta,
The avenue of emptiness, undivided and unlimited,
Not shown through metaphors or words, signless
Free in and of itself, without hope of results.

Awareness, in and of itself the master of transformation
Is beyond manipulation by intellect and thought.
Simply by coming to rest, all at once, in what was already the case,
No Soma-reward whatsoever is there to get.

For instance, the non-darkness of the dawn
Does not occur over and over again during the day.
Once awareness has alighted on its own ground
Don't get caught by repeated fabrication -- this is crucial.

Some will watch their neurotic thoughts;
Merely recognizing stasis and movement as such,
They sieze upon ineffable awareness as 'Dzogchen'.
That's like pretending brass is gold;
They end up far afield of the genuine path.

Awareness and timeless awareness translate as the nature of prajna,
Regardless of acumen, and without witnessing or clinging to any experience.
Timeless awareness, timelessly occurring as self-arisen prajna
Instantly purifies, instantly frees,
And cures the blindness of ambition.

Just as the ocean's waves do not leave the water,
Wanting to liberate and purify on a case-by-case basis--
Where there's nothing else besides the essential expression
Of dynamic energy--is extreme delusion!

Therefore, once settled in the natural state
That's always already there,
Don't waste your time accomplishing
Meditation and purification.
Let go of physical activities altogether; be like a mountain.
Let go of spoken discussion and self-expression altogether, be like a mute.
Let go of mental views and meditations altogether; be like space.
Whoever lets go of all doings, entering the vast yogic expanse of equipoise
Without making effort, is sure to be free.

Whenever eating, sleeping or bustling about,
Don't overstep awareness' natural self-mastery of activity.
In the yoga of post-meditation, a sublimely expansive state,
During any kind of happiness or suffering,
To recognize the unreal phenomena of experience is crucial.

Don't mistake the crucial points of conduct--
Take them right up.
Don't act crazy in the realm of the view;
To maintain tranquility, refinement and attention is a crucial point.
Don't view the realm of conduct with crazed obsession;
At all times keep a quintessential instruction in mind.
Buddhahood is not attained by physical and verbal conduct;
Hold the fort of omniscient Buddha, your innate awareness,
And without a doubt you will reach Buddhahood in this life.

Though the geezer of unawareness
Is untutored in tantric tradition,
The All-Creating Monarch of Samsara and Nirvana
Gives this advice to himself--
So he's eloquent when it comes to declaring [this]
For guests receiving his last will and testament. 

This untrue, unfalse advice of Maya (illusion)
Is offered to you, Konchok Tashi, who has no mind
From the corpse whose consciousness has dissolved into ultimate space,
Dudjompa [Conqueror of Demons].

This is profound wisdom-heart advice. May the gurus, devas and dakinis show kind forbearance to the translator for any errors, omissions, or overstatements herein. MANGALAM

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