Friday, July 27, 2018

Time to Open-Source Shambhala!

It's time to open-source the Shambhala teachings. In other words, publish them and disavow proprietary ownership of the brand, so the teachings won't die.

Such is the fate of every "secret" lineage of Tibetan Buddhism, sooner or later. So I'm stating the obvious here, in contemporary terms:

Open-source your code, Shambhala Buddhism, or face the fate of most top-heavy, underfunded, overly ornate edifices: inexorable reduction to a pile of rubble.

The only thing lame about your situation is the failure to take proper responsibility, and to assess accountability.  So please open-source yourself with a certain proviso. Do it for the benefit of beings, without believing yourselves lame or defeated.  Keep your dignity by being generous. Multiply your corpse into nectar and distribute it to the hungry masses, and get rid of all your petty princes and principalities.

It has to happen sooner or later.

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